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PI3K: A master regulator of brain metastasis‐promoting macrophages/microglia

Blazquez, Raquel ; Wlochowitz, Darius ; Wolff, Alexander ; Seitz, Stefanie ; Wachter, Astrid ; Perera‐Bel, Julia ; Bleckmann, Annalen ; Beißbarth, Tim ; Salinas, Gabriela ; Riemenschneider, Markus J. ; Proescholdt, Martin ; Evert, Matthias ; Utpatel, Kirsten ; Siam, Laila ; Schatlo, Bawarjan ; Balkenhol, Marko ; Stadelmann, Christine ; Schildhaus, Hans‐Ulrich ; Korf, Ulrike ; Reinz, Eileen ; Wiemann, Stefan ; Vollmer, Elena ; Schulz, Mathias ; Ritter, Uwe ; Hanisch, Uwe K. ; Pukrop, Tobias


Mutations and activation of the PI3K signaling pathway in breast cancer cells have been linked to brain metastases. However, here we describe that in some breast cancer brain metastases samples the protein expression of PI3K signaling components is restricted to the metastatic microenvironment. In contrast to the therapeutic effects of PI3K inhibition on the breast cancer cells, the reaction of ...


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