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The eGVHD App has the potential to improve the accuracy of graft-versus-host disease assessment: a multicenter randomized controlled trial

Schoemans, Helene M. ; Goris, Kathy ; Van Durm, Raf ; Fieuws, Steffen ; De Geest, Sabina ; Pavletic, Steven Z. ; Im, Annie ; Wolff, Daniel ; Lee, Stephanie J. ; Greinix, Hildegard ; Duarte, Rafael F. ; Poiré, Xavier ; Selleslag, Dominik ; Lewalle, Philippe ; Kerre, Tessa ; Graux, Carlos ; Baron, Frédéric ; Maertens, Johan A. ; Dobbels, Fabienne


Graft-versus-host disease (GvHD) assessment has been shown to be a challenge for healthcare professionals, leading to the development of the eGVHD App (www.uzleuven.be/egvhd). In this study, we formally evaluated the accuracy of using the App compared to traditional assessment methods to assess GvHD. Our national multicenter randomized controlled trial involved seven Belgian transplantation ...


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