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Fluorescence-guidance in non-Gadolinium enhancing, but FET-PET positive gliomas

Schebesch, Karl-Michael ; Brawanski, Alexander ; Doenitz, Christian ; Rosengarth, Katharina ; Proescholdt, Martin ; Riemenschneider, Markus J. ; Grosse, Jirka ; Hellwig, Dirk ; Höhne, Julius


Objectives: We report on five patients with gadolinium-negative (non-enhancing magnetic resonance imaging-MRI) but F-18-fluoroethyl tyrosine positron-emission tomography (FET-PET) positive glioma (NEG) undergoing surgery under fluorescence-guidance with fluorescein sodium 10% (FL, Alkon, Germany) in combination with a dedicated light filter (YELLOW 560 nm, Carl Zeiss Meditec, Germany). Patients ...


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