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Gene expression analysis to identify mechanisms underlying heart failure susceptibility in mice and humans

Koentges, Christoph ; Pepin, Mark E. ; Müsse, Carolyn ; Pfeil, Katharina ; Alvarez, Sonia V. Viteri ; Hoppe, Natalie ; Hoffmann, Michael M. ; Odening, Katja E. ; Sossalla, Samuel ; Zirlik, Andreas ; Hein, Lutz ; Bode, Christoph ; Wende, Adam R. ; Bugger, Heiko


Genetic factors are known to modulate cardiac susceptibility to ventricular hypertrophy and failure. To determine how strain influences the transcriptional response to pressure overload-induced heart failure (HF) and which of these changes accurately reflect the human disease, we analyzed the myocardial transcriptional profile of mouse strains with high (C57BL/6J) and low (129S1/SvImJ) ...


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