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KCND3 potassium channel gene variant confers susceptibility to electrocardiographic early repolarization pattern

Teumer, Alexander ; Trenkwalder, Teresa ; Kessler, Thorsten ; Jamshidi, Yalda ; van den Berg, Marten E. ; Kaess, Bernhard ; Nelson, Christopher P. ; Bastiaenen, Rachel ; De Bortoli, Marzia ; Rossini, Alessandra ; Deisenhofer, Isabel ; Stark, Klaus ; Assa, Solmaz ; Braund, Peter S. ; Cabrera, Claudia ; Dominiczak, Anna F. ; Gögele, Martin ; Hall, Leanne M. ; Ikram, M. Arfan ; Kavousi, Maryam ; Lackner, Karl J. ; Müller, Christian ; Münzel, Thomas ; Nauck, Matthias ; Padmanabhan, Sandosh ; Pfeiffer, Norbert ; Spector, Tim D. ; Uitterlinden, Andre G. ; Verweij, Niek ; Völker, Uwe ; Warren, Helen R. ; Zafar, Mobeen ; Felix, Stephan B. ; Kors, Jan A. ; Snieder, Harold ; Munroe, Patricia B. ; Pattaro, Cristian ; Fuchsberger, Christian ; Schmidt, Georg ; Nolte, Ilja M. ; Schunkert, Heribert ; Pramstaller, Peter P. ; Wild, Philipp S. ; van der Harst, Pim ; Stricker, Bruno H. ; Schnabel, Renate B. ; Samani, Nilesh J. ; Hengstenberg, Christian ; Dörr, Marcus ; Behr, Elijah R. ; Reinhard, Wibke


BACKGROUND. The presence of an early repolarization pattern (ERP) on the surface ECG is associated with risk of ventricular fibrillation and sudden cardiac death. Family studies have shown that ERP is a highly heritable trait, but molecular genetic determinants are unknown. METHODS. To identify genetic susceptibility loci for ERP, we performed a GWAS and meta-analysis in 2,181 cases and 23,641 ...


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