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ADAM10 sheddase activation is controlled by cell membrane asymmetry

Bleibaum, Florian ; Sommer, Anselm ; Veit, Martin ; Rabe, Björn ; Andrä, Jörg ; Kunzelmann, Karl ; Nehls, Christian ; Correa, Wilmar ; Gutsmann, Thomas ; Grötzinger, Joachim ; Bhakdi, Sucharit ; Reiss, Karina ; Fu, Haian


Dysregulation of the disintegrin-metalloproteinase ADAM10 may contribute to the development of diseases including tumorigenesis and Alzheimer's disease. The mechanisms underlying ADAM10 sheddase activation are incompletely understood. Here, we show that transient exposure of the negatively charged phospholipid phosphatidylserine (PS) is necessarily required. The soluble PS headgroup was found to ...


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