The fundamental spin-orbit coupling and spin mixing in graphene and rippled honeycomb lattice materials silicene, germanene, stanene, blue phosphorene, arsenene, antimonene, and bismuthene is investigated from first principles. The intrinsic spin-orbit coupling in graphene is revisited using multiband k . p theory, showing the presence of nonzero spin mixing in graphene despite the mirror ...
The fundamental spin-orbit coupling and spin mixing in graphene and rippled honeycomb lattice materials silicene, germanene, stanene, blue phosphorene, arsenene, antimonene, and bismuthene is investigated from first principles. The intrinsic spin-orbit coupling in graphene is revisited using multiband k . p theory, showing the presence of nonzero spin mixing in graphene despite the mirror symmetry. However, the spin mixing itself does not lead to the the Elliott-Yafet spin relaxation mechanism, unless the mirror symmetry is broken by external factors. For other aforementioned elemental materials we present the spin-orbit splittings at relevant symmetry points, as well as the spin admixture b(2) as a function of energy close to the band extrema or Fermi levels. We find that spin-orbit coupling scales as the square of the atomic number Z, as expected for valence electrons in atoms. For isolated bands, it is found that b(2) follows a scaling law close to b(2) similar to Z(4). The spin-mixing parameter also exhibits giant anisotropy which, to a large extent, can be controlled by tuning the Fermi level. Our results for b(2) can be directly transferred to spin relaxation time due to the Elliott-Yafet mechanism, and therefore provide an estimate of the upper limit for spin lifetimes in materials with space inversion center.