Although free flap reconstruction has already gained widespread acceptance in pediatric patients, little is known about the outcome of free tissue transfer in head and neck reconstruction in pediatric patients. We present a case of a 6-month-old boy with a large volume deficit in the right temporal fossa after resection of a teratoma. This led to a large volume deficit with widely undermined skin ...
Although free flap reconstruction has already gained widespread acceptance in pediatric patients, little is known about the outcome of free tissue transfer in head and neck reconstruction in pediatric patients. We present a case of a 6-month-old boy with a large volume deficit in the right temporal fossa after resection of a teratoma. This led to a large volume deficit with widely undermined skin margins. Therefore, we provided volume augmentation by microsurgical free latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flap transplantation. Intraoperative use of laser-assisted indocyanine green angiography indicated excellent flap perfusion. Postoperative magnetic resonance imaging showed adequate flap perfusion with no signs of flap necrosis. To our best knowledge, this case presents the youngest patient who underwent free flap transplantation in the head and neck region. Our case demonstrates that microvascular surgery can play an important role in particular cases in pediatric oncology, even in very young patients.