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Reassessment of p53 immunohistochemistry thresholds in invasive high grade bladder cancer shows a better correlation with TP53 and FGFR3 mutations

Hodgson, Anjelica ; van Rhijn, Bas W.G. ; Kim, Sung Sun ; Ding, Colleen ; Saleeb, Rola ; Vesprini, Danny ; Liu, Stanley K. ; Yousef, George M. ; van der Kwast, Theodorus H. ; Xu, Bin ; Downes, Michelle R.


FGFR3 mutations are frequently mutually exclusive of TP53 mutations in invasive high grade urothelial carcinoma (HGUC) and p53 immunohistochemistry is often used as a surrogate for TP53 mutations. A 10 % staining cut off has been used in HGUC for designation as p53 positive or negative however, a novel contemporary method we have previously proposed (0% or 50 % abnormal vs. 1-49 % wild type) has ...


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