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Immune checkpoint inhibition therapy for advanced skin cancer in patients with concomitant hematological malignancy: a retrospective multicenter DeCOG study of 84 patients

Leiter, Ulrike ; Loquai, Carmen ; Reinhardt, Lydia ; Rafei-Shamsabadi, David ; Gutzmer, Ralf ; Kaehler, Katharina ; Heinzerling, Lucie ; Hassel, Jessica C ; Glutsch, Valerie ; Sirokay, Judith ; Schlecht, Nora ; Rübben, Albert ; Gambichler, Thilo ; Schatton, Kerstin ; Pfoehler, Claudia ; Franklin, Cindy ; Terheyden, Patrick ; Haferkamp, Sebastian ; Mohr, Peter ; Bischof, Lena ; Livingstone, Elisabeth ; Zimmer, Lisa ; Weichenthal, Michael ; Schadendorf, Dirk ; Meiwes, Andreas ; Keim, Ulrike ; Garbe, Claus ; Becker, Jürgen Christian ; Ugurel, Selma


Background Skin cancers are known for their strong immunogenicity, which may contribute to a high treatment efficacy of immune checkpoint inhibition (ICI). However, a considerable proportion of patients with skin cancer is immuno-compromised by concomitant diseases. Due to their previous exclusion from clinical trials, the ICI treatment efficacy is poorly investigated in these patients. The ...


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