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Combined immunotherapy with nivolumab and ipilimumab with and without local therapy in patients with melanoma brain metastasis: a DeCOG* study in 380 patients

Amaral, Teresa ; Kiecker, Felix ; Schaefer, Sarah ; Stege, Henner ; Kaehler, Katharina ; Terheyden, Patrick ; Gesierich, Anja ; Gutzmer, Ralf ; Haferkamp, Sebastian ; Uttikal, Jochen ; Berking, Carola ; Rafei-Shamsabadi, David ; Reinhardt, Lydia ; Meier, Friedegund ; Karoglan, Ante ; Posch, Christian ; Gambichler, Thilo ; Pfoehler, Claudia ; Thoms, Kai ; Tietze, Julia ; Debus, Dirk ; Herbst, Rudolf ; Emmert, Steffen ; Loquai, Carmen ; Hassel, Jessica C ; Meiss, Frank ; Tueting, Thomas ; Heinrich, Vanessa ; Eigentler, Thomas ; Garbe, Claus ; Zimmer, Lisa


Background Nivolumab combined with ipilimumab have shown activity in melanoma brain metastasis (MBM). However, in most of the clinical trials investigating immunotherapy in this subgroup, patients with symptomatic MBM and/or prior local brain radiotherapy were excluded. We studied the efficacy of nivolumab plus ipilimumab alone or in combination with local therapies regardless of treatment line ...


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