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Data archive for the article: Supercurrent diode effect and magnetochiral anisotropy in few-layer NbSe2 nanowires

DOI to cite this document:
Bauriedl, Lorenz ; Christian, Bäuml ; Fuchs, Lorenz ; Baumgartner, Christian ; Paulik, Nicholas ; Jonas, Bauer ; Lin, Kai-Qiang ; Lupton, John M. ; Taniguchi, Takashi ; Watanabe, Kenji ; Strunk, Christoph ; Paradiso, Nicola
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Date of publication of this fulltext: 28 Oct 2021 13:58


Set of raw measured data for the article: "Supercurrent diode effect and magnetochiral anisotropy in few-layer NbSe2 nanowires".

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