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Survival after neoadjuvant/induction combination immunotherapy vs combination platinum‐based chemotherapy for locally advanced (Stage III ) urothelial cancer

Einerhand, Sarah M. H. ; van Dijk, Nick ; van Dorp, Jeroen ; de Feijter, Jeantine M. ; van Montfoort, Maurits L. ; van de Kamp, Maaike W. ; Schaake, Eva E. ; Boellaard, Thierry N. ; Hendricksen, Kees ; van der Heijden, Michiel S. ; van Rhijn, Bas W. G.


Despite treatment with cisplatin-based chemotherapy and surgical resection, clinical outcomes of patients with locally advanced urothelial carcinoma (UC) remain poor. We compared neoadjuvant/induction platinum-based combination chemotherapy (NAIC) with combination immune checkpoint inhibition (cICI). We identified 602 patients who attended our outpatient bladder cancer clinic in 2018 to 2019. ...


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