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- URN to cite this document:
- urn:nbn:de:bvb:355-epub-546827
- DOI to cite this document:
- 10.5283/epub.54682
Abstract (German)
Die p.R398W-Mutante des "C-terminal Eps15 homology domain-containing protein 1", EHD1, wurde bei sechs Patienten mit autosomal rezessiver niedermolekularer Proteinurie und Schwerhörigkeit als Krankheitsursache identifiziert. Bei einem entsprechenden Ehd1R398W/R398W-knockin-Mausmodell waren homozygoten männliche Tiere infertil, ob allerdings von der Mutation betroffene Männer infertil sind, ist ...
Translation of the abstract (English)
The p.R398W mutant of "C-terminal Eps15 homology domain-containing protein 1," EHD1, was identified as the cause of disease in six patients with autosomal recessive low molecular weight proteinuria and hearing loss. In a corresponding Ehd1R398W/R398W knockin mouse model, homozygous males were infertile; however, whether men affected by the mutation are infertile is unknown. In the present work, ...