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The absorption spectrum of nitrosobenzene isolated in solid Ar was studied up to an energy of 45,000 cm-1. In this medium a previously unreported vibrational structure could be resolved for the 1st UV band with origin at 30,260 cm-1. This band is assigned to the S0 -> S2 transition. After numerical resoln. enhancement with the max. entropy method this vibrational structure could be analyzed in ...
The absorption spectrum of nitrosobenzene isolated in solid Ar was studied up to an energy of 45,000 cm-1. In this medium a previously unreported vibrational structure could be resolved for the 1st UV band with origin at 30,260 cm-1. This band is assigned to the S0 -> S2 transition. After numerical resoln. enhancement with the max. entropy method this vibrational structure could be analyzed in terms of progressions and combinations of 5 modes. Line shape anal. of the origin band reveals a superposition of Lorentzian lines with a width of 64 cm-1, corresponding to a lifetime of the upper electronic state t(S2) ~ 80 fs. The lines are either matrix sites or due to a low-frequency mode. Attempts of spectral hole burning at the electronic origin lead to partial bleaching of the spectrum, which is reversible on a time scale of 20 min. Excitation with an excess energy of 2200 cm-1 leads to fragmentation into NO and a Ph radical, which recombine only after annealing of the matrix >30 K.