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Controlling the anisotropy of a van der Waals antiferromagnet with light

Afanasiev, Dmytro ; Hortensius, Jorrit R. ; Matthiesen, Mattias ; Mañas-Valero, Samuel ; Šiškins, Makars ; Lee, Martin ; Lesne, Edouard ; van der Zant, Herre S. J. ; Steeneken, Peter G. ; Ivanov, Boris A. ; Coronado, Eugenio ; Caviglia, Andrea D.


Van der Waals magnets provide an ideal playground to explore the fundamentals of low-dimensional magnetism and open opportunities for ultrathin spin-processing devices. The Mermin-Wagner theorem dictates that as in reduced dimensions isotropic spin interactions cannot retain long-range correlations, the long-range spin order is stabilized by magnetic anisotropy. Here, using ultrashort pulses of ...


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