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Genetic structure and reproductive strategy of the ant Cardiocondyla elegans: strictly monogynous nests invaded by unrelated sexuals

DOI to cite this document:
Lenoir, J.-C. ; Schrempf, A. ; Lenoir, A. ; Heinze, J. ; Mercier, J.-L.
(145kB) - Repository staff only
Date of publication of this fulltext: 05 Aug 2009 13:50


Cardiocondyla elegans is a Mediterranean ant that nests on river banks. It rears only wingless (ergatoid) males that live peacefully in the same nest as opposed to other species of the same genus, which have both peaceful, winged and mutually aggressive 'ergatoid' males. Using microsatellite analysis, we investigated the genetic structure of 21 colonies from three different locations as well as ...


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