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A Prospective Controlled Trial to Evaluate Safety and Efficacy of in vitro Expanded Recipient Regulatory T Cell Therapy and Tocilizumab Together With Donor Bone Marrow Infusion in HLA-Mismatched Living Donor Kidney Transplant Recipients (Trex001)

Oberbauer, Rainer ; Edinger, Matthias ; Berlakovich, Gabriela ; Kalhs, Peter ; Worel, Nina ; Heinze, Georg ; Wolzt, Michael ; Lion, Thomas ; Wekerle, Thomas


Background: The induction of donor-specific immunological tolerance could improve outcome after kidney transplantation. However, no tolerance protocol is available for routine clinical use. Chimerism-based regimens hold promise, but their widespread application is impeded in part by unresolved safety issues. This study tests the hypothesis that therapy with polyclonal recipient regulatory T cells ...


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