Conservative treatment and physiotherapy (PT) of neuromuscular scoliosis and its underlying systemic causes is dominated by a pragmatic approach. In the choice of treatment, the observance of the underlying muscle tone sets the essential course to select an appropriate PT technique. Hypertonic forms need the reflex-modulation techniques included in Bobath or Vojta programmes. They sometimes ...
Conservative treatment and physiotherapy (PT) of neuromuscular scoliosis and its underlying systemic causes is dominated by a pragmatic approach. In the choice of treatment, the observance of the underlying muscle tone sets the essential course to select an appropriate PT technique. Hypertonic forms need the reflex-modulation techniques included in Bobath or Vojta programmes. They sometimes necessitate tone-reducing medication and additional orthotics with a likely risk of pressure sores. In hypotonic forms of scoliosis on the other hand, gravity and spine collapse with pulmonal dysfunction are the key issues addressed by conservative treatment. Sustained quality of life and supported partaking in social life through maintenance of pulmonary function and upright sitting ability are of continuing concern. PT programmes with a neurophysiologic background such as those of Bobath and Vojta are of central significance.