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Excitons at the Phase Transition of 2D Hybrid Perovskites

Ziegler, Jonas D. ; Lin, Kai-Qiang ; Meisinger, Barbara ; Zhu, Xiangzhou ; Kober-Czerny, Manuel ; Nayak, Pabitra K. ; Vona, Cecilia ; Taniguchi, Takashi ; Watanabe, Kenji ; Draxl, Claudia ; Snaith, Henry J. ; Lupton, John M. ; Egger, David A. ; Chernikov, Alexey


2D halide perovskites are among intensely studied materials platforms profiting from solution-based growth and chemical flexibility. They feature exceptionally strong interactions among electronic, optical, as well as vibrational excitations and hold a great potential for future optoelectronic applications. A key feature for these materials is the occurrence of structural phase transitions that ...


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