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Introducing the Lipidomics Minimal Reporting Checklist

McDonald, Jeffrey G. ; Ejsing, Christer S. ; Kopczynski, Dominik ; Holčapek, Michal ; Aoki, Junken ; Arita, Makoto ; Arita, Masanori ; Baker, Erin S. ; Bertrand-Michel, Justine ; Bowden, John A. ; Brügger, Britta ; Ellis, Shane R. ; Fedorova, Maria ; Griffiths, William J. ; Han, Xianlin ; Hartler, Jürgen ; Hoffmann, Nils ; Koelmel, Jeremy P. ; Köfeler, Harald C. ; Mitchell, Todd W. ; O’Donnell, Valerie B. ; Saigusa, Daisuke ; Schwudke, Dominik ; Shevchenko, Andrej ; Ulmer, Candice Z. ; Wenk, Markus R. ; Witting, Michael ; Wolrab, Denise ; Xia, Yu ; Ahrends, Robert ; Liebisch, Gerhard ; Ekroos, Kim


The rapid increase in lipidomic data has triggered a community-based movement to develop guidelines and minimum requirements for generating, reporting and publishing lipidomic data. The creation of a dynamic checklist summarizing key details of lipidomic analyses using a common language has the potential to harmonize the field by improving both traceability and reproducibility.

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