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MAPKinase inhibition after failure of immune checkpoint blockade in patients with advanced melanoma – An evaluation of the multicenter prospective skin cancer registry ADOREG

Kreft, Sophia ; Glutsch, Valerie ; Zaremba, Anne ; Schummer, Patrick ; Mohr, Peter ; Grimmelmann, Imke ; Gutzmer, Ralf ; Meier, Friedegund ; Pföhler, Claudia ; Sachse, Michael Max ; Meiss, Frank ; Forschner, Andrea ; Haferkamp, Sebastian ; Welzel, Julia ; Terheyden, Patrick ; Herbst, Rudolf ; Utikal, Jochen ; Kaatz, Martin ; Weishaupt, Carsten ; Kreuter, Alexander ; Debus, Dirk ; Duecker, Pia ; Sindrilaru, Anca ; Löffler, Harald ; Schley, Gaston ; Weichenthal, Michael ; Schadendorf, Dirk ; Ugurel, Selma ; Gesierich, Anja ; Schilling, Bastian


Objectives: Forty to sixty percent of patients with advanced melanoma show primary resistance to PD-1-based immunotherapy, 30-40% of initial responders also progress. Here, we evaluated the outcome of second-line targeted therapy (TT) after progression on PD-1-based immune checkpoint inhibition (ICI) in BRAFV600-mutated melanoma. In addition, we report data on the activity of re-exposure with ...


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