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Impact of radiotherapy and sequencing of systemic therapy on survival outcomes in melanoma patients with previously untreated brain metastasis: a multicenter DeCOG study on 450 patients from the prospective skin cancer registry ADOREG

Franklin, Cindy ; Mohr, Peter ; Bluhm, Leonie ; Grimmelmann, Imke ; Gutzmer, Ralf ; Meier, Friedegund ; Garzarolli, Marlene ; Weichenthal, Michael ; Pfoehler, Claudia ; Herbst, Rudolf ; Terheyden, Patrick ; Utikal, Jochen ; Ulrich, Jens ; Debus, Dirk ; Haferkamp, Sebastian ; Kaatz, Martin ; Forschner, Andrea ; Leiter, Ulrike ; Nashan, Dorothee ; Kreuter, Alexander ; Sachse, Michael ; Welzel, Julia ; Heinzerling, Lucie ; Meiss, Frank ; Weishaupt, Carsten ; Gambichler, Thilo ; Weyandt, Gerhard ; Dippel, Edgar ; Schatton, Kerstin ; Celik, Eren ; Trommer, Maike ; Helfrich, Iris ; Roesch, Alexander ; Zimmer, Lisa ; Livingstone, Elisabeth ; Schadendorf, Dirk ; Horn, Susanne ; Ugurel, Selma


Background Despite of various therapeutic strategies, treatment of patients with melanoma brain metastasis (MBM) still is a major challenge. This study aimed at investigating the impact of type and sequence of immune checkpoint blockade (ICB) and targeted therapy (TT), radiotherapy, and surgery on the survival outcome of patients with MBM. Method We assessed data of 450 patients collected within ...


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