In this work we present a minimal parametrization of the light-cone distribution amplitudes of the baryon octet including higher twist contributions. Simultaneously we obtain the quark mass dependence of the amplitudes at leading one-loop accuracy by the use of three-flavor baryon chiral perturbation theory (BChPT), which automatically yields model-independent results for the leading SU(3) flavor ...
In this work we present a minimal parametrization of the light-cone distribution amplitudes of the baryon octet including higher twist contributions. Simultaneously we obtain the quark mass dependence of the amplitudes at leading one-loop accuracy by the use of three-flavor baryon chiral perturbation theory (BChPT), which automatically yields model-independent results for the leading SU(3) flavor breaking effects. For that purpose we have constructed the nonlocal light-cone three-quark operators in terms of baryon octet and meson fields and have carried out a next-to-leading order BChPT calculation. We were able to find a minimal set of distribution amplitudes (DAs) that do not mix under chiral extrapolation towards the physical point and naturally embed the A baryon. Additionally they are chosen in such a way that all DAs of a certain symmetry class have a similar quark mass dependence (independent of the twist of the corresponding amplitude), which allows for a compact presentation. The results are well-suited for the extrapolation of lattice data and for model building.