This paper provides a sketch of key research areas within health services research focusing on patient-centredness. The evaluation of patient-reported outcomes (PROS) is increasingly required for evaluating interventions in clinical trials and in routine health care. Often, however, it is unclear which PROs are best suited for a particular research question. One of the most commonly used PRO is ...
This paper provides a sketch of key research areas within health services research focusing on patient-centredness. The evaluation of patient-reported outcomes (PROS) is increasingly required for evaluating interventions in clinical trials and in routine health care. Often, however, it is unclear which PROs are best suited for a particular research question. One of the most commonly used PRO is the construct of quality of life (QoL), which has become an established outcome in clinical trials and is also named as a health goal in the German Social Code of Law. The concept of patient empowerment implies that autonomy and room for manoeuver of the individual patient should be strengthened. However, it is unclear how the concept is best operationalised. One prerequisite for patient empowerment in routine health care is the development and implementation of evidence-based patient information. Another prominent research area focuses on the role of self-help and patient organisations in health services. Topics of interest are aims and activities of self-help organisations, potentials and challenges of integrating self-help into professional health services, effects of organised self-help support on patients and barriers of use.