We consider asymptotically free nonlinear sigma models in two dimensions which, due to their internal symmetries, allow for a conserved charge. Introducing nonzero chemical potential for the SO(2) subgroup of the symmetry group, we discuss two expected phase transitions, which are related to charge condensation and percolation of merons, respectively. The latter are topological objects with half ...
We consider asymptotically free nonlinear sigma models in two dimensions which, due to their internal symmetries, allow for a conserved charge. Introducing nonzero chemical potential for the SO(2) subgroup of the symmetry group, we discuss two expected phase transitions, which are related to charge condensation and percolation of merons, respectively. The latter are topological objects with half integer charge similar to vortices in the Abelianized O(2) theory that emerge for large chemical potentials due to the suppression of the complementary field components. We conjecture a particular ordering of these transitions supported by large N calculations, and discuss dualities helpful for the understanding of these systems in the continuum and on the lattice. We suggest that a similar behavior is to be expected in QCD at nonzero density.