Brandt, B.B. ; Francis, A. ; Laine, M. ; Meyer, H.B.
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Dokumentenart: | Artikel |
Titel eines Journals oder einer Zeitschrift: | Journal of High Energy Physics |
Verlag: | SPRINGER |
Ort der Veröffentlichung: | NEW YORK |
Band: | 2014 |
Nummer des Zeitschriftenheftes oder des Kapitels: | 5 |
Datum: | 2014 |
Institutionen: | Physik > Institut für Theoretische Physik |
Identifikationsnummer: | Wert | Typ |
10.1007/JHEP05(2014)117 | DOI |
Stichwörter / Keywords: | GAUGE-THEORIES; LATTICE QCD; FREE-ENERGY; IMPROVEMENT; ORDER; Thermal Field Theory; Quark-Gluon Plasma; Resummation; Lattice QCD |
Dewey-Dezimal-Klassifikation: | 500 Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik > 530 Physik |
Status: | Veröffentlicht |
Begutachtet: | Ja, diese Version wurde begutachtet |
An der Universität Regensburg entstanden: | Ja |
Dokumenten-ID: | 61478 |
Web of Science
Thermal screening masses related to the conserved vector current are determined for the case that the current carries a non-zero Matsubara frequency, both in a weak-coupling approach and through lattice QCD. We point out that such screening masses are sensitive to the same infrared physics as light-cone real-time rates. In particular, on the perturbative side, the inhomogeneous Schrodinger ...
Thermal screening masses related to the conserved vector current are determined for the case that the current carries a non-zero Matsubara frequency, both in a weak-coupling approach and through lattice QCD. We point out that such screening masses are sensitive to the same infrared physics as light-cone real-time rates. In particular, on the perturbative side, the inhomogeneous Schrodinger equation determining screening correlators is shown to have the same general form as the equation implementing LPM resummation for the soft-dilepton and photon production rates from a hot QCD plasma. The static potential appearing in the equation is identical to that whose soft part has been determined up to NLO and on the lattice in the context of jet quenching. Numerical results based on this potential suggest that screening masses overshoot the free results (multiples of 2 pi T) more strongly than at zero Matsubara frequency. Four-dimensional lattice simulations in two-flavour QCD at temperatures of 250 and 340 MeV confirm the non-static screening masses at the 10% level. Overall our results lend support to studies of jet quenching based on the same potential at T greater than or similar to 250 MeV.