The luminescence arising from lanthanide cations offers several advantages over organic fluorescent molecules: sharp, distinctive emission bands allow for easy resolution between multiple lanthanide signals; long emission lifetimes (mu s-ms) make them excellent candidates for time-resolved measurements; and high resistance to photo bleaching allow for long or repeated experiments. A time-resolved ...
The luminescence arising from lanthanide cations offers several advantages over organic fluorescent molecules: sharp, distinctive emission bands allow for easy resolution between multiple lanthanide signals; long emission lifetimes (mu s-ms) make them excellent candidates for time-resolved measurements; and high resistance to photo bleaching allow for long or repeated experiments. A time-resolved (gated) luminescence-based method for determination of pesticides methomyl, aldicarb and prometryne in microtiterplate format using the long-lived terbium-3-carboxycoumarin in 1:3 metal:ligand ratio has been developed. The limit of detection is 1.20 x 10(6), 5.19 x 10(5) and 2.74 x 10(6) ng L-1 for methomyl, prometryne and aldicarb, respectively. The quantum yield (QY = 0.08) of Tb(III)-3-carboxycoumarin was determined using 3-(2-benzothiazolyl)-7-diethylamino-coumarin (coumarin 6). Stern-volmer studies at different temperatures indicate that collisional quenching dominates for methomyl, aldicarb and prometryne. Binding constants were determined at 303, 308 and 313 K by using Lineweaver-Burk equation. A thermodynamic analysis showed that the reaction is spontaneous with negative Delta G. Effect of some relevant interferents on the detection of pesticides has been investigated. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.