QCD lattice simulations determine hadron masses as functions of the quark masses. From the gradients of these masses and using the Feynman-Hellmann theorem the hadron sigma terms can then be determined. We use here a novel approach of keeping the singlet quark mass constant in our simulations which upon using an SU(3) flavor symmetry breaking expansion gives highly constrained (i.e. few ...
QCD lattice simulations determine hadron masses as functions of the quark masses. From the gradients of these masses and using the Feynman-Hellmann theorem the hadron sigma terms can then be determined. We use here a novel approach of keeping the singlet quark mass constant in our simulations which upon using an SU(3) flavor symmetry breaking expansion gives highly constrained (i.e. few parameter) fits for hadron masses in a multiplet. This is a highly advantageous procedure for determining the hadron mass gradient as it avoids the use of delicate chiral perturbation theory. We illustrate the procedure here by estimating the light and strange sigma terms for the baryon octet.