Parity-violating electron-deuteron scattering can potentially provide a clean access to electroweak couplings that are sensitive to physics beyond the standard model. However, hadronic effects can contaminate their extraction from high-precision measurements. Power-suppressed contributions are one of the main sources of uncertainties along with charge-symmetry violating effects in leading-twist ...
Parity-violating electron-deuteron scattering can potentially provide a clean access to electroweak couplings that are sensitive to physics beyond the standard model. However, hadronic effects can contaminate their extraction from high-precision measurements. Power-suppressed contributions are one of the main sources of uncertainties along with charge-symmetry violating effects in leading-twist parton densities. In this work we calculate the twist-four correlation functions contributing to the left-right polarization asymmetry making use of nucleon multiparton light-cone wave functions.