Assessment of the retest-reliability and sensitivity to change of the ICD-10-Symptom-Rating (ISR) is provided. The ISR was filled out repeatedly by a non-clinical as well as different samples of psychosomatic patients. Between the two measurements either no or an integrated psychosomatic treatment took place. During the treatment free phase a high degree of stability of the test scores was ...
Assessment of the retest-reliability and sensitivity to change of the ICD-10-Symptom-Rating (ISR) is provided. The ISR was filled out repeatedly by a non-clinical as well as different samples of psychosomatic patients. Between the two measurements either no or an integrated psychosomatic treatment took place. During the treatment free phase a high degree of stability of the test scores was expected, whereas a significant improvement of test scores was expected for the respective scales over the treatment phase. The retest-reliability for the individual scales ranges from 0.70 to 0.94. Between admission to a psychosomatic treatment and discharge significant differences were found for all scales. The retest-reliability showed satisfactory results comparable to similar, symptom-oriented instruments. Furthermore, the instruments reproduces symptomatic changes consistently and is - from our point of view - suitable for the assessment of change.