The anatomy of the wrist is complex. Mechanical, neurological or systemic causes are responsible for a painful wrist. In many cases a specific diagnosis can already be made by taking a precise medical history. Physical examination includes inspection, palpation of landmarks and a dynamic examination in regard to joint regions. Plane X-Ray examinations are the basic tools in diagnostic imaging. ...
The anatomy of the wrist is complex. Mechanical, neurological or systemic causes are responsible for a painful wrist. In many cases a specific diagnosis can already be made by taking a precise medical history. Physical examination includes inspection, palpation of landmarks and a dynamic examination in regard to joint regions. Plane X-Ray examinations are the basic tools in diagnostic imaging. Additional radiographic adjustments, ultrasound-, MRI- and CT- examinations may lead to more detailed information in special cases. A diagnostic arthroscopy is accomplished, if a pathological cause for wrist-pain with non-invasive methods cannot be found.