The article examines the 'Principles of the Existing EC Contract Law' (Acquis Principles) published by the European Research Group on the Existing EC Contract Law (Acquis Group), a key player within the academic network charged with the preparation of a 'Common Frame of Reference'. The Acquis Principles may therefore have a considerable impact on the shape and development of EC Contract Law. It ...
The article examines the 'Principles of the Existing EC Contract Law' (Acquis Principles) published by the European Research Group on the Existing EC Contract Law (Acquis Group), a key player within the academic network charged with the preparation of a 'Common Frame of Reference'. The Acquis Principles may therefore have a considerable impact on the shape and development of EC Contract Law. It is argued that the Acquis Principles do not constitute merely a restatement, or systematic revision, of existing EC private law. To a significant extent, the Acquis Group has drafted 'desirable rules', based on 'political' decisions that may even entail a transformation towards a regulatory model of private law. At the same time, the Acquis Principles clearly demonstrate that the acquis communautaire is not a coherent system of contract law that can be taken to have emancipated itself from the acquis commun.