We experimentally study a transport across the integer incompressible strip with local filling factor nu(c)=1 at the sample edge at high imbalances across this strip. The bulk is in the quantum Hall state at the integer (nu=2,3) or high fractional (nu=5/3,4/3) filling factors. Unlike the integer case, for the fractional bulk filling factors, we find a lack of the full equilibration across the ...
We experimentally study a transport across the integer incompressible strip with local filling factor nu(c)=1 at the sample edge at high imbalances across this strip. The bulk is in the quantum Hall state at the integer (nu=2,3) or high fractional (nu=5/3,4/3) filling factors. Unlike the integer case, for the fractional bulk filling factors, we find a lack of the full equilibration across the edge even in the situation where no potential barrier survives in the integer incompressible strip with nu(c)=1. We interpret this result as the manifestation of complicated edge excitation structure at high fractional filling factors.