Departments of neurology at university hospitals face the dilemma of being paid according to diagnosis-related groups irrespective of the fact that they care for more severe and rare diseases and have to provide teaching and research facilities. Neurology departments need acute stroke units integrated into the emergency system of the hospital. Patients with neurological diseases requiring ...
Departments of neurology at university hospitals face the dilemma of being paid according to diagnosis-related groups irrespective of the fact that they care for more severe and rare diseases and have to provide teaching and research facilities. Neurology departments need acute stroke units integrated into the emergency system of the hospital. Patients with neurological diseases requiring intensive care need to be taken care of by neurologists. Outpatient clinics and medical care centres are an integral part of a neurology department and care for patients with rare and severe neurological conditions and allow follow-up of patients in research projects. Integrated care offers the opportunity to organise patient care between university hospitals, non-university neurology departments and neurologists in private practice. Neurology departments at universities will only survive by adapting to the changing requirements of the health-care system and the scientific environement.