Endometriosis is a benign growth of ectopic endometrial mucous membrane which has maintained the histological characteristics and biological reactions of uterine mucous membrane. In only 1-2% of cases does it occur in the urinary system, most commonly in the urinary bladder. Such an endometriosis is often diagnosed very late due both to its commonly asymptomatic course and its rarity. Individual ...
Endometriosis is a benign growth of ectopic endometrial mucous membrane which has maintained the histological characteristics and biological reactions of uterine mucous membrane. In only 1-2% of cases does it occur in the urinary system, most commonly in the urinary bladder. Such an endometriosis is often diagnosed very late due both to its commonly asymptomatic course and its rarity. Individual therapy is dependent on the age of the patient, the wish for children and the extent of the growth. For endometriosis covering a large area, surgery is recommended. Methods of choice are laparoscopic bladder resection for the urinary bladder, ureterocystoneostomy using the Psoas hitch for the distal ureter, end to end anastomosis or endoscopic incision for short, proximal cases, and for extended areas, ileum cross-bridge attachment or kidney mobilization using nephropexy.