The Id proteins are negative regulators of several basic-helix-loop-helix (HLH) transcription factors, including the ubiquitous E factors and the tissue-specific myogenin-regulating factors. Id I through ld4 contain highly identical HLH domains but different N- and C-terminal extensions. Beside the heterodimerization with the parent HLH factors, Id2 was shown to additionally interact with the ...
The Id proteins are negative regulators of several basic-helix-loop-helix (HLH) transcription factors, including the ubiquitous E factors and the tissue-specific myogenin-regulating factors. Id I through ld4 contain highly identical HLH domains but different N- and C-terminal extensions. Beside the heterodimerization with the parent HLH factors, Id2 was shown to additionally interact with the retirroblastoma protein and to be overexpressed in neuroblastoma. Thus, Id2 represents an interesting target for cancer therapy based on the inhibition of protein-protein interactions. Here we present the synthesis and circular dichroism (CD) analysis of peptides derived from point mutations and N-/C-terminal truncations of M. The helix character of the HLH domain (residues 36-76) was reduced upon substitution of Met39/-62 and Cys42 with Me and Ser, respectively, suggesting a structural role of these side chains. The largest sequence that could be obtained by stepwise solid-phase peptide synthesis (SPPS) with Fmoc strategy spanned the entire HLH motif (with Cys42 replaced by Ser) and part of the C-terminus (residues 77- 110). This 75-residue long fragment was less helical than the isolated HLH domain and had propensity to aggregate, which was correlated with the presence of the flanking residues C-terminal to helix-2. By CID analysis of an equimolar mixture of the sequence 36-110 with the N-terminus 1-35, noncovalent interactions between the two peptides were detected, which, however, changed upon aging. In contrast, the mixture of the HLH sequence 36-76 with the N-terminus was characterized by a stabilized helix structure that was maintained also upon aging. Presumably, the N-terminal region interacted with the folded HLH motif in a specific manner, whereas only unspecific, weak contacts occur-red with the partly unfolded HLH domain and/or the immediate flanking residues 77-110. Copyright (c) 2006 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.