Purpose: To evaluate contrast enhanced magnetic resonance angiography (ceMRA) of the pelvic and peripheral arteries with a dedicated peripheral vascular coil system and automated table-feed technique in patients with arterial occlusive disease. Methods: Three-dimensional gadolinium-enhanced MR angiography in a two-step automatic table feed technique was performed in 45 patients using a 1.5 Tesla ...
Purpose: To evaluate contrast enhanced magnetic resonance angiography (ceMRA) of the pelvic and peripheral arteries with a dedicated peripheral vascular coil system and automated table-feed technique in patients with arterial occlusive disease. Methods: Three-dimensional gadolinium-enhanced MR angiography in a two-step automatic table feed technique was performed in 45 patients using a 1.5 Tesla imager (Magnetom Symphony, Siemens). The pelvic arteries were imaged with a single injection of contrast material. The upper and the lower leg were imaged with a second injection of contrast material in an automated table feed technique using a dedicated vascular coil system. In 20 patients ceMRA was compared with digital subtraction angiography (DSA) as the standard of reference and in 25 patients ceMRA was performed solely. Results: Sensitivity and specificity for grading significant stenoses greater than or equal to 50% and occlusions (in parenthesis) were in the pelvic arteries 94.7%, 96.8%, (100%, 100%), in the arteries of the upper leg 92.3%, 93.3% (87.5%, 100%) and in the arteries of the lower leg 96.5%, 95.8%, (95.2%, 96.8%), respectively. Depiction of the runoff vessels of the lower leg was excellent in ceMRA. CeMRA was of diagnostic quality in all the patients. Conclusion: Contrast-enhanced MRA using a dedicated peripheral vascular coil system increases the diagnostic quality of the lower leg. The runoff vessels can be evaluated. Thus, ceMRA in the presented technique is a diagnostic alternative to arterial angiography.