We investigated forward masking in 21 gerbils as a function of age (5-47 months) using 400ms maskers at 40dB SPL and a 20ms, 2.85kHz probe presented 2.5ms after the masker. Elevated thresholds for the unmasked probe were only observed in animals older than 3 years. Unmasked thresholds showed no significant age-dependent hearing loss in animals below 3 years of age. In these animals without ...
We investigated forward masking in 21 gerbils as a function of age (5-47 months) using 400ms maskers at 40dB SPL and a 20ms, 2.85kHz probe presented 2.5ms after the masker. Elevated thresholds for the unmasked probe were only observed in animals older than 3 years. Unmasked thresholds showed no significant age-dependent hearing loss in animals below 3 years of age. In these animals without peripheral hearing loss, we found a significant age-dependent increase of masker-induced threshold shift. A regression analysis revealed that threshold shift increased from 23dB in 1 year old gerbils to 37dB in 3 year old animals. Increased forward masking in these animals with no sign of peripheral hearing loss points to a central processing deficit.