The results of a quantitative light microscopic analysis of serial glycine immunoreacted sections through the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB) of young and old gerbils are presented. Spongiform lesions were prominent in the MNTB of gerbils that were 3 years and older, but were virtually absent in animals below 1 year of age. In old animals the prevalence and density of spongiform ...
The results of a quantitative light microscopic analysis of serial glycine immunoreacted sections through the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB) of young and old gerbils are presented. Spongiform lesions were prominent in the MNTB of gerbils that were 3 years and older, but were virtually absent in animals below 1 year of age. In old animals the prevalence and density of spongiform lesions were most pronounced in the caudal MNTB and decreased towards the rostral MNTB. Total MNTB volume and rostro-caudal extent were independent of age and the cross-sectional area of MNTB varied in an identical fashion along the MNTB in young and old gerbils. Mean MNTB soma size (cross-sectional area) varied with the age of the animal. In young gerbils soma size increased between 1 and 6 months of age reaching a maximum near 160 microm(2). In old gerbils mean soma size was significantly reduced to 130 microm(2). At all three rostro-caudal positions analyzed along MNTB, soma size varied systematically being largest in the ventro-lateral and smallest in the dorso-medial part of MNTB. The reduction of soma size in old animals appeared uniform across MNTB.