| PDF - Veröffentlichte Version (452kB) | |
| PDF - Angenommene Version arXiv PDF (22.10.2009) (680kB) | |
| PDF - Eingereichte Version arXiv PDF (02.03.2009) (647kB) |
- URN zum Zitieren dieses Dokuments:
- urn:nbn:de:bvb:355-epub-79786
- DOI zum Zitieren dieses Dokuments:
- 10.5283/epub.7978
We study narrow ballistic Josephson weak links in a InAs quantum wells contacted by Nb electrodes and find a dramatic magnetic-field suppression of the Andreev reflection amplitude, which occurs even for in-plane field orientation with essentially no magnetic flux through the junction. Our observations demonstrate the presence of a Doppler shift in the energy of the Andreev levels, which results ...