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Research Data Management Training Course

The University Library Regensburg offers a research data management training (in English) on the e-learning platform G.R.I.P.S.: MANTRA Research Data Management Training.

The online course has been developed by the University of Edinburgh and has been adapted to the situation in Germany and at the University of Regensburg by the University Library Regensburg.

It is organised into eight independent units covering the following subjects:

  • research data explained
  • data management plans
  • organising data
  • file formats and transformation
  • documentation, metadata, citation
  • storage and security
  • data protection, rights and access
  • sharing, preservation and licensing.

Different target groups, like doctoral students, early career researchers, senior academics or information professionals, might start with different learning units. References for further reading and exercises complement the learning content in each unit. Additionally, there are data handling tutorials available for the software environments SPSS 19, R, ArcGIS 10.2 and NVivo 9.

The course is open to the public. Self enrolment to the course is available for all members of the University of Regensburg with their RZ account. External participants can use the guest access, but for technical reasons they cannot access the online exercises. (Members of other universities or research institutes can apply for an external account if their institution is listed on this page.)

Link to the online course:

  1. Homepage UR

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0941 943 -3904

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0941 943 -5707

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