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- URN to cite this document:
- urn:nbn:de:bvb:355-opus-2051
- DOI to cite this document:
- 10.5283/epub.10115
Abstract (German)
Umfangreiche Molekülvariationen und Struktur-Wirkungs-Analysen von Neuropeptid Y-Antagonisten haben zu Argininamiden geführt, die sich von BIBP3226 ((R)-Na-Diphenylacetylarginin-(p-hydroxybenzyl)amid) ableiten, aber am Guanidin-N mit elektronenziehenden Gruppen substituiert sind. Diese 'NG-akzeptorsubstituierten' (R)-Argininamide stellen hochpotente (teilweise im Bereich 10-50 pM wirksame) ...
Translation of the abstract (English)
Extensive structural variations and investigations of the structure-activity relationships of neuropeptide Y antagonists led to argininamides related to BIBP 3226 ((R)-Na-diphenylacetylarginine-(p-hydroxybenzyl)amide). In contrast to the latter the new compounds are substituted with electron-withdrawing groups at the guanidine-N. These NG-substituted (R)-argininamides are highly potent (active in ...