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The synthesis, the physicochem. and the breast cancer inhibiting properties of [meso- and rac-1,2-bis(4-fluorophenyl)ethylenediamine]chloro[sulfinylbis(methane)-S]platinum(II) chlorides (meso- and rac-4F-PtCl(DMSO)) are described. Rac-4F-PtCl(DMSO) surpasses the std. carboplatin in its effect on the human MCF-7 breast cancer cell line and is more resistant than its dichloroplatinum(II) analog ...
The synthesis, the physicochem. and the breast cancer inhibiting properties of [meso- and rac-1,2-bis(4-fluorophenyl)ethylenediamine]chloro[sulfinylbis(methane)-S]platinum(II) chlorides (meso- and rac-4F-PtCl(DMSO)) are described. Rac-4F-PtCl(DMSO) surpasses the std. carboplatin in its effect on the human MCF-7 breast cancer cell line and is more resistant than its dichloroplatinum(II) analog rac-4F-PtCl2 against attack of nucleophiles, a prerequisite for sufficient stability in physiol. environments and consequently for marked antitumor activity in vivo.