We investigate the ν=1 quantum Hall ferromagnet in the presence of spin-orbit coupling of the Rashba or Dresselhaus type by means of Hartree-Fock-typed variational states. In the presence of Rashba (Dresselhaus) spin-orbit coupling the fully spin-polarized quantum Hall state is always unstable resulting in a reduction of the spin polarization if the product of the particle charge q and the ...
We investigate the ν=1 quantum Hall ferromagnet in the presence of spin-orbit coupling of the Rashba or Dresselhaus type by means of Hartree-Fock-typed variational states. In the presence of Rashba (Dresselhaus) spin-orbit coupling the fully spin-polarized quantum Hall state is always unstable resulting in a reduction of the spin polarization if the product of the particle charge q and the effective g factor is positive (negative). In all other cases an alternative variational state with O(2) symmetry and finite in-plane spin components is lower in energy than the fully spin-polarized state for large enough spin-orbit interaction. The phase diagram resulting from these considerations differs qualitatively from earlier studies.