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  1. Universität




Publizieren: oa@ur.de
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Bibliographie der Universität Regensburg

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Gehe zu: 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997
Anzahl der Einträge in dieser Kategorie: 147.


Siegl, Julian und Schliemann, John (2023) Imperfect Many-Body Localization in Exchange-Disordered Isotropic Spin Chains. New Journal of Physics 25, S. 123002. (Im Druck)

Siegl, Julian und Schliemann, John (2023) Data archive of "Imperfect Many-Body Localization in Exchange-Disordered Isotropic Spin Chains". [Datensatz]


Wenk, Paul , Grifoni, Milena und Schliemann, John (2022) Topological transitions in two-dimensional Floquet superconductors. Phys. Rev. B 106, S. 134508.

Akay, D. und Schliemann, J. (2022) Beta-borophene under the circularly polarized radiation: polaritonic and polaronic dynamic band structure. The European Physical Journal Plus 137 (11). Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Wenk, Paul , Grifoni, Milena und Schliemann, John (2022) Data Archive of Topological transitions in two-dimensional Floquet superconductors. [Datensatz]


Schliemann, John, Costa, João Vitor I., Wenk, Paul und Egues, J. Carlos (2021) Many-body localization: Transitions in spin models. Physical Review B 103 (17), S. 174203. Volltext nicht vorhanden.


Wackerl, Martin (2020) Transport in Periodically Driven Systems. Dissertation, Universität Regensburg.

Wackerl, Martin , Wenk, Paul und Schliemann, John (2020) Floquet-Drude conductivity. Physical Review B 101 (18), S. 184204. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Kammermeier, Michael , Seith, Adrian, Wenk, Paul und Schliemann, John (2020) Persistent spin textures and currents in wurtzite nanowire-based quantum structures. Physical Review B 101 (19), S. 195418. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Lin, Xiao , Liu, Zifei, Stauber, Tobias, Gómez-Santos, Guillermo, Gao, Fei, Chen, Hongsheng, Zhang, Baile und Low, Tony (2020) Chiral Plasmons with Twisted Atomic Bilayers. Physical Review Letters 125 (7). Volltext nicht vorhanden.


Wackerl, Martin , Wenk, Paul und Schliemann, John (2019) Driven Hofstadter butterflies and related topological invariants. Physical Review B 100 (16), S. 165411. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

López, Alexander, Berche, Bertrand , Schliemann, John, Mireles, Francisco und Santos, Benjamin (2019) Photoinduced polarization enhancement on biased bilayer graphene in the Landau level regime. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 31 (49), S. 495703. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Bodendorfer, Norbert , Schäfer, Andreas und Schliemann, John (2019) Holographic signatures of resolved cosmological singularities. Journal of High Energy Physics 2019 (6), S. 1-18.

Wackerl, Martin, Wenk, Paul und Schliemann, John (2019) Driven Hofstadter butterflies and related topological invariants. Physical Review B 100 (16). Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Kammermeier, Michael , Wenk, Paul und Zülicke, Ulrich (2019) In-plane magnetoelectric response in bilayer graphene. Physical Review B 100 (7). Volltext nicht vorhanden.

López, Alexander, Berche, Bertrand , Schliemann, John, Mireles, Francisco und Santos, Benjamin (2019) Photoinduced polarization enhancement on biased bilayer graphene in the Landau level regime. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 31 (49), S. 495703. Volltext nicht vorhanden.


Kammermeier, Michael Dieter (2018) Control of Spin Relaxation in Disordered Quantum Wells and Nanowires. Dissertation, Universität Regensburg.

Kammermeier, Michael , Wenk, Paul , Dirnberger, Florian, Bougeard, Dominique und Schliemann, John (2018) Spin relaxation in wurtzite nanowires. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 98, 035407.

Sun, Zhou-Zhou, Yang, Yu und Schliemann, John (2018) Current-induced synchronized magnetization reversal of two-body Stoner particles with dipolar interaction. Chinese Physics B 27 (6), 067501. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Bodendorfer, Norbert, Schäfer, Andreas und Schliemann, John (2018) Canonical structure of general relativity with a limiting curvature and its relation to loop quantum gravity. Physical Review D 97 (8), 084057. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Sun, Zhou-Zhou, Yang, Yu und Schliemann, J (2018) Current-induced synchronized magnetization reversal of two-body Stoner particles with dipolar interaction. Chinese Physics B 27 (6), 067501. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

López, Alexander , Mireles, Francisco, Schliemann, John und Santos, Benjamin (2018) Spin–orbit effects on the spin and pseudospin polarization in ac-driven silicenee. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 30, S. 335702. Volltext nicht vorhanden.


Predin, Sonja und Schliemann, John (2017) Entanglement spectra of superconductivity ground states on the honeycomb lattice. The European Physical Journal B 90 (12). Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Kammermeier, Michael , Wenk, Paul , Schliemann, John, Heedt, Sebastian, Gerster, Thomas und Schäpers, Thomas (2017) Magnetoconductance correction in zinc-blende semiconductor nanowires with spin-orbit coupling. Physical Review B 96 (23), S. 235302. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Predin, Sonja (2017) Entanglement spectrum of graphene systems. Dissertation, Universität Regensburg.

Yu, Ping , Kocić, Nemanja, Repp, Jascha , Siegert, Benjamin und Donarini, Andrea (2017) Apparent Reversal of Molecular Orbitals Reveals Entanglement. Physical Review Letters 119 (5), 056801.

Stauber, T., Parida, P., Trushin, M., Ulybyshev, M. V., Boyda, D. L. und Schliemann, John (2017) Interacting Electrons in Graphene: Fermi Velocity Renormalization and Optical Response. Physical Review Letters 118 (26), S. 266801. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Schliemann, John (2017) Colloquium: Persistent spin textures in semiconductor nanostructures. Reviews of Modern Physics 89 (1). Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Zudov, M. A., Dmitriev, I. A. , Friess, B., Shi, Q., Umansky, V., von Klitzing, K. und Smet, J. (2017) Hall field-induced resistance oscillations in a tunable-density GaAs quantum well. Physical Review B 96 (12).

Stauber, T., Parida, P. , Trushin, M., Ulybyshev, M. V. , Boyda, D. L. und Schliemann, J. (2017) Interacting Electrons in Graphene: Fermi Velocity Renormalization and Optical Response. Physical Review Letters 118 (26).

Kammermeier, Michael, Wenk, Paul , Schliemann, John, Heedt, Sebastian , Gerster, Thomas und Schäpers, Thomas (2017) Magnetoconductance correction in zinc-blende semiconductor nanowires with spin-orbit coupling. Physical Review B 96 (23).

Ado, I. A., Dmitriev, I. A. , Ostrovsky, P. M. und Titov, M. (2017) Sensitivity of the anomalous Hall effect to disorder correlations. Physical Review B 96 (23).


Kammermeier, Michael, Wenk, Paul und Schliemann, John (2016) Control of spin helix symmetry in semiconductor quantum wells by crystal orientation. Physical Review Letters (PRL). (Eingereicht)

Kammermeier, Michael, Wenk, Paul , Schliemann, John, Heedt, Sebastian und Schäpers, Thomas (2016) Weak (anti)localization in tubular semiconductor nanowires with spin-orbit coupling. Phys. Rev. B 93, S. 205306.

Schliemann, John (2016) Persistent Spin Textures in Semiconductor Nanostructures. Reviews of Modern Physics. (Eingereicht)

Wenk, Paul , Kammermeier, Michael und Schliemann, John (2016) Conserved spin quantity in strained hole systems with Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling. Phys. Rev. B 93, S. 115312.

Schliemann, John, Beltrán, J. I. und Stauber, Tobias (2016) Tight-binding approach to penta-graphene. Scientific Reports 6 (22672), S. 1-8.

Predin, Sonja, Wenk, Paul und Schliemann, John (2016) Trigonal warping in bilayer graphene: Energy versus entanglement spectrum. Phys. Rev. B 93, S. 115106.

Predin, Sonja, Wenk, Paul und Schliemann, John (2016) Trigonal warping in bilayer graphene: Energy versus entanglement spectrum. Physical Review B 93 (11), S. 115106. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Schliemann, John (2016) Coherent states of su(1,1): correlations, fluctuations, and the pseudoharmonic oscillator. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 49 (13), S. 135303. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Schliemann, John (2016) Coherent states of su(1,1): correlations, fluctuations, and the pseudoharmonic oscillator. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 49 (13), S. 135303. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Kammermeier, Michael, Wenk, Paul und Schliemann, John (2016) Control of Spin Helix Symmetry in Semiconductor Quantum Wells by Crystal Orientation. Physical Review Letters 117 (23). Volltext nicht vorhanden.


Stauber, T., Noriega-Pérez, D. und Schliemann, John (2015) Universal absorption of two-dimensional systems. Phys. Rev. B 91, S. 115407.

López, Alexander, Scholz, Andreas, Santos, Benjamin und Schliemann, John (2015) Photoinduced pseudospin effects in silicene beyond the off-resonant condition. Phys. Rev. B 91, S. 125105.

López, Alexander, Di Teodoro, Antonio, Schliemann, John, Berche, Bertrand und Santos, Benjamin (2015) Laser-induced modulation of the Landau level structure in single-layer graphene. Phys. Rev. B 92, S. 235411.


Schliemann, John (2014) Classical and quantum polyhedra. Phys. Rev. D 90, S. 124080.

Schliemann, John (2014) Entanglement thermodynamics. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2014 (9), P09011. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Echtermeyer, T. J. , Nene, P. S., Trushin, M. , Gorbachev, R. V. , Eiden, A. L., Milana, S., Sun, Z., Schliemann, John, Lidorikis, E. , Novoselov, K. S. und Ferrari, A. C. (2014) Photothermoelectric and Photoelectric Contributions to Light Detection in Metal–Graphene–Metal Photodetectors. Nano Letters 14 (7), S. 3733-3742.

Scholz, Andreas (2014) Charge and current responses of spin-orbit coupled two-dimensional materials. Dissertation, Universität Regensburg.


Fuchs, Moritz, Schliemann, John und Trauzettel, Björn (2013) Ultralong spin decoherence times in graphene quantum dots with a small number of nuclear spins. Phys. Rev. B 88, S. 245441.

Schliemann, John (2013) The large-volume limit of a quantum tetrahedron is a quantum harmonic oscillator. Classical and Quantum Gravity 30 (23), S. 235018. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

López, Alexander, Scholz, Andreas, Sun, Z. Z. und Schliemann, John (2013) Graphene with time-dependent spin-orbit coupling: truncated Magnus expansion approach. The European Physical Journal B 86 (9), S. 366. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Scholz, Andreas, Stauber, Tobias und Schliemann, John (2013) Plasmons and screening in a monolayer of MoS₂. Phys. Rev. B 88, 035135.

Scholz, Andreas, López, Alexander und Schliemann, John (2013) Interplay between spin-orbit interactions and a time-dependent electromagnetic field in monolayer graphene. Phys. Rev. B 88, 045118.

Schliemann, John (2013) Corrigendum: Entanglement spectra and entanglement thermodynamics of Hofstadter bilayers. New Journal of Physics 15 (7), 079501. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Schliemann, John (2013) Entanglement spectra and entanglement thermodynamics of Hofstadter bilayers. New Journal of Physics 15 (5), 053017. Volltext nicht vorhanden.


Scholz, Andreas, Stauber, Tobias und Schliemann, John (2012) Dielectric function, screening, and plasmons of graphene in the presence of spin-orbit interactions. Phys. Rev. B 86, S. 195424.

Mireles, Francisco und Schliemann, John (2012) Energy spectrum and Landau levels in bilayer graphene with spin-orbit interaction. New Journal of Physics (NJP) 14, 093026.

López, Alexander , Sun, Z. Z. und Schliemann, John (2012) Floquet spin states in graphene under ac driven spin-orbit interaction. Phys. Rev. B 85, S. 205428.

Schliemann, John und Läuchli, Andreas M. (2012) Entanglement Spectra of Heisenberg Ladders of higher Spin. arXiv.

Erbe, Björn und Schliemann, John (2012) Hyperfine induced electron spin and entanglement dynamics in double quantum dots: The case of separate baths. Phys. Rev. B 85, S. 155127.

Läuchli, Andreas M. und Schliemann, John (2012) Entanglement spectra of coupled S=1/2 spin chains in a ladder geometry. Phys. Rev. B 85, 054403.

Schliemann, John und Läuchli, Andreas M (2012) Entanglement spectra of Heisenberg ladders of higher spin. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2012 (11), P11021. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

López, A., Sun, Z. Z. und Schliemann, J. (2012) Floquet spin states in graphene under ac-driven spin-orbit interaction. Physical Review B 85 (20). Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Erbe, B. und Schliemann, J. (2012) Perturbative regimes in central spin models. Physical Review B 85 (23). Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Trushin, Maxim und Schliemann, John (2012) Polarization-sensitive absorption of THz radiation by interacting electrons in chirally stacked multilayer graphene. New Journal of Physics (NJP) 14, 095005.

Chakraborty, Akash, Wenk, Paul , Bouzerar, Richard und Bouzerar, Georges (2012) Spontaneous magnetization in the presence of nanoscale inhomogeneities in diluted magnetic systems. Physical Review B 86 (21). Volltext nicht vorhanden.


Trushin, Maxim (2011) Thermally activated conductivity in gapped bilayer graphene. arXiv. (Eingereicht)

Erbe, Björn und Schliemann, John (2011) Perturbative regimes in central spin models. arXiv. (Eingereicht)

Trushin, Maxim und Schliemann, John (2011) Anisotropic photoconductivity in graphene. Europhys. Lett. 96, S. 37006.

Schliemann, John (2011) Dielectric function of the semiconductor hole liquid: Full frequency and wave-vector dependence. Phys. Rev. B 84, S. 155201.

Erbe, Björn (2011) Central spin models: Quantum integrability and
hyperfine induced spin dynamics.
Dissertation, Universität Regensburg.

Erbe, Björn und Schliemann, John (2011) Swapping and entangling hyperfine coupled nuclear spin baths. Europhys. Lett 95, S. 47009.

Sun, Zhou Zhou und Schliemann, John (2011) Current-induced synchronized magnetization reversal of two-body Stoner particles with dipolar interaction. arXiv. (Eingereicht)

Scholz, Andreas und Schliemann, John (2011) Dynamical current-current susceptibility of gapped graphene. Phys. Rev. B 83, S. 235409.

Trushin, Maxim und Schliemann, John (2011) Pseudospin in optical and transport properties of graphene. Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, S. 156801.

Schliemann, John (2011) Entanglement spectrum and entanglement thermodynamics of quantum Hall bilayers at ν=1. Phys. Rev. B 83, S. 115322.

Trushin, M. und Schliemann, J. (2011) Anisotropic photoconductivity in graphene. EPL (Europhysics Letters) 96 (3), S. 37006. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Scholz, Andreas und Schliemann, John (2011) Dynamical current-current susceptibility of gapped graphene. Physical Review B 83 (23). Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Erbe, B. und Schliemann, J. (2011) Swapping and entangling hyperfine coupled nuclear spin baths. EPL (Europhysics Letters) 95 (4), S. 47009. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Sun, Z. Z. , López, A. und Schliemann, John (2011) Zero-field magnetization reversal of two-body Stoner particles with dipolar interaction. J. Appl. Phys. 109, S. 104303.


Yan, P., Sun, Zhou Zhou, Schliemann, John und Wang, X. (2010) Optimal spin current pattern for fast domain wall propagation in nanowires. Europhys. Lett. 92, S. 27004.

Erbe, Björn und Schliemann, John (2010) Different Types of Integrability and Their Relation to Decoherence in Central Spin Models. Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, S. 177602.

Schliemann, John (2010) Dielectric function of the semiconductor hole gas. Europhys. Lett. 91, S. 67004.

Trushin, Maxim , Kailasvuori, Janik, Schliemann, John und MacDonald, A. H. (2010) Finite conductivity minimum in bilayer graphene without charge inhomogeneities. Phys. Rev. B 82, S. 155308.

Erbe, Björn und Schliemann, John (2010) Hyperfine induced spin and entanglement dynamics in double quantum dots: A homogeneous coupling approach. Phys. Rev. B 81, S. 235324.

Stauber, Tobias, Schliemann, John und Peres, N. M. R. (2010) Dynamical polarizability of graphene beyond the Dirac cone approximation. Phys. Rev. B 81, 085409.

Schliemann, John (2010) Spins coupled to a spin bath: From integrability to chaos. Phys. Rev. B 81, 081301.

Sun, Zhou Zhou und Schliemann, John (2010) Fast Domain Wall Propagation under an Optimal Field Pulse in Magnetic Nanowires. Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 037206.

Yan, P. , Sun, Z. Z. , Schliemann, J. und Wang, X. R. (2010) Optimal spin current pattern for fast domain wall propagation in nanowires. EPL (Europhysics Letters) 92 (2), S. 27004. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Erbe, Björn und Schliemann, John (2010) Unexpected systematic degeneracy in a system of two coupled Gaudin models with homogeneous couplings. J. Phys. A: Mathematical and Theoretical 43 (49), S. 2002.

Erbe, B und Schliemann, J (2010) Unexpected systematic degeneracy in a system of two coupled Gaudin models with homogeneous couplings. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 43 (49), S. 492002. Volltext nicht vorhanden.


Stauber, Tobias und Schliemann, John (2009) Electronic properties of graphene and graphene nanoribbons with `pseudo-Rashba' spin-orbit coupling. New J. Phys. 11, S. 115003.

Garelli, Maria Silvia und Schliemann, John (2009) Landauer-Büttiker study of the anomalous Hall effect. Phys. Rev. B 80, S. 155321.

Trushin, Maxim , Výborný, Karel, Moraczewski, Peter, Kovalev, Alexey A. , Schliemann, John und Jungwirth, T. (2009) Anisotropic magnetoresistance of spin-orbit coupled carriers scattered from polarized magnetic impurities. Phys. Rev. B 80, S. 134405.


Schliemann, John (2008) Graphene in a strong magnetic field: Massless Dirac particles versus skyrmions. Phys. Rev. B 78 (19), S. 195426. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Trushin, Maxim und Schliemann, John (2008) Conductivity of graphene: How to distinguish between samples with short- and long-range scatterers. Europhys. Lett. 83, S. 17001. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Trushin, M. und Schliemann, J. (2008) Conductivity of graphene: How to distinguish between samples with short- and long-range scatterers. EPL (Europhysics Letters) 83 (1), S. 17001. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Schliemann, John (2008) Cyclotron motion and magnetic focusing in semiconductor quantum wells with spin-orbit coupling. Phys. Rev. B 77, S. 125303. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Schliemann, John (2008) Cyclotron motion and magnetic focusing in semiconductor quantum wells with spin-orbit coupling. Physical Review B 77 (12). Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Schliemann, John (2008) Cyclotron motion in graphene. New J. Phys. 10, 043024. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Schliemann, John (2008) Cyclotron motion in graphene. New Journal of Physics 10 (4), 043024. Volltext nicht vorhanden.


Bernardes, Esmerindo, Schliemann, John, Lee, Minchul, Egues, J. Carlos und Loss, Daniel (2007) Spin-Orbit Interaction in Symmetric Wells with Two Subbands. Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 076603.

Trushin, Maxim und Schliemann, John (2007) Anisotropic current-induced spin accumulation in the two-dimensional electron gas with spin-orbit coupling. Phys. Rev. B 75, S. 155323.

Schliemann, John (2007) Ballistic side jump motion of electrons and holes in semiconductor quantum wells. Phys. Rev. B 75, 045304. Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.

Trushin, Maxim und Schliemann, John (2007) Minimum Electrical and Thermal Conductivity of Graphene: A Quasiclassical Approach. Physical Review Letters 99 (21). Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Trushin, Maxim und Schliemann, John (2007) Spin dynamics in rolled-up two dimensional electron gases. New J. Phys. 9, S. 346. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Trushin, Maxim und Schliemann, John (2007) Spin dynamics in rolled-up two-dimensional electron gases. New Journal of Physics 9 (9), S. 346. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Bernardes, Esmerindo S., Schliemann, John, Egues, J. Carlos und Loss, Daniel (2007) Spin-orbit interaction in symmetric wells and cycloidal orbits without magnetic fields. Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, S. 976603. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Trushin, Maxim und Schliemann, John (2007) The Minimum Electrical and Thermal Conductivity of Graphene: Quasiclassical Approach. Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, S. 216602. Volltext nicht vorhanden.


Schliemann, John (2006) Theoretical study of interacting hole gas in p-doped bulk III-V semiconductors. Phys. Rev. B 74, 045214.

SCHLIEMANN, JOHN (2006) SPIN HALL EFFECT. International Journal of Modern Physics B 20 (09), S. 1015-1036. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Schliemann, John (2006) Spin Hall Effect. Int. J. of Mod. Phys. B 20, S. 1015.

Bernardes, E., Schliemann, John, Egues, J. und Loss, D. (2006) Spin orbit interaction and zitterbewegung in symmetric wells. phys. status solidi c 3, S. 4330. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Schliemann, John (2006) Theoretical study of interacting hole gas in p-doped bulk III-V semiconductors. Phys. Rev. B 74, 045214.

Schliemann, John, Loss, Daniel und Westervelt, R. M. (2006) Zitterbewegung of electrons and holes in III-V semiconductor quantum wells. Phys. Rev. B 73, 085323. Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.


Egues, J. Carlos, Burkard, Guido, Saraga, D. S., Schliemann, John und Loss, Daniel (2005) Shot noise and spin-orbit coherent control of entangled and spin-polarized electrons. Phys. Rev. B 72, S. 235326.

Schliemann, John (2005) Entanglement in SU(2)-invariant quantum systems: The positive partial transpose criterion and others. Phys. Rev. A 72, 012307.

Schliemann, John, Loss, Daniel und Westervelt, R. M. (2005) Zitterbewegung of Electronic Wave Packets in III-V Zinc-Blende Semiconductor Quantum Wells. Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, S. 206801.

Requist, Ryan, Schliemann, John, Abanov, Alexander G. und Loss, Daniel (2005) Double occupancy errors in quantum computing operations: Corrections to adiabaticity. Phys. Rev. B 71, S. 115315.

Schliemann, John und Loss, Daniel (2005) Spin-Hall transport of heavy holes in III-V semiconductor quantum wells. Phys. Rev. B 71, 085308.

Erlingsson, Sigurdur I., Schliemann, John und Loss, Daniel (2005) Spin susceptibilities, spin densities, and their connection to spin currents. Phys. Rev. B 71, 035319.


Schliemann, John und Loss, Daniel (2004) Dissipation effects in spin-Hall transport of electrons and holes. Phys. Rev. B 69, S. 165315.


Schliemann, John, Khaetskii, Alexander und Loss, Daniel (2003) Electron spin dynamics in quantum dots and related nanostructures due to hyperfine interaction with nuclei. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 15, R1809.

Schliemann, John und Loss, Daniel (2003) Anisotropic transport in a two-dimensional electron gas in the presence of spin-orbit coupling. Phys. Rev. B 68, S. 165311. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Schliemann, John (2003) Entanglement in SU(2)-invariant quantum spin systems. Phys. Rev. A 68, 012309.

Schliemann, John, Egues, J. Carlos und Loss, Daniel (2003) Nonballistic Spin-Field-Effect Transistor. Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, S. 146801.

Papa, Emiliano, Schliemann, John, MacDonald, A. H. und Fisher, Matthew P. A. (2003) Quantum theory of bilayer quantum Hall smectics. Phys. Rev. B 67, S. 115330. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Schliemann, John, Egues, J. Carlos und Loss, Daniel (2003) Variational study of the ν=1 quantum Hall ferromagnet in the presence of spin-orbit interaction. Phys. Rev. B 67, 085302. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Schliemann, John (2003) Correlation energy, quantum phase transition, and bias potential effects in quantum Hall bilayers at ν=1. Phys. Rev. B 67, 035328.

Schliemann, John (2003) Disorder-induced noncollinear ferromagnetism in models for (III,Mn)V semiconductors. Phys. Rev. B 67, 045202.


Schliemann, John, Khaetskii, Alexander V. und Loss, Daniel (2002) Spin decay and quantum parallelism. Phys. Rev. B 66, S. 245303.

Eckert, K., Mompart, J., Yi, X. X., Schliemann, John, Bruss, D., Birkl, G. und Lewenstein, M. (2002) Quantum computing in optical microtraps based on the motional states of neutral atoms. Phys. Rev. A 66, 042317.

Yang, S.-R. Eric, Schliemann, John und MacDonald, A. H. (2002) Quantum-Hall quantum bits. Phys. Rev. B 66, S. 153302.

Eckert, K., Schliemann, John, Bruss, D. und Lewenstein, M. (2002) Quantum Correlations in Systems of Indistinguishable Particles. Ann. Phys. 299, S. 88.

Schliemann, John und MacDonald, A. H. (2002) Noncollinear Ferromagnetism in (III,Mn)V Semiconductors. Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, S. 137201. Volltext nicht vorhanden.


Sinova, Jairo, Schliemann, John, Núñez, Alvaro S. und MacDonald, A. H. (2001) 2D Bands and Electron-Phonon Interactions in Polyacene Plastic Transistors. Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, S. 226802. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Schliemann, John, König, Jürgen und MacDonald, A. H. (2001) Monte Carlo study of ferromagnetism in (III,Mn)V semiconductors. Phys. Rev. B 64, S. 165201. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Schliemann, John, Cirac, J. Ignacio, Kus, Marek, Lewenstein, Maciej und Loss, Daniel (2001) Quantum correlations in two-fermion systems. Phys. Rev. A 64, 022303.

Schliemann, John, Girvin, S. M. und MacDonald, A. H. (2001) Strong Correlation to Weak Correlation Phase Transition in Bilayer Quantum Hall Systems. Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, S. 1849-1852.

Schliemann, John, Loss, Daniel und MacDonald, A. H. (2001) Double-occupancy errors, adiabaticity, and entanglement of spin qubits in quantum dots. Phys. Rev. B 63, 085311.

Schliemann, John, König, Jürgen, Hsiu-Hau, Lin und MacDonald, A. H. (2001) Limits on the Curie temperature of (III,Mn)V ferromagnetic semiconductors. Appl. Phys. Lett. 78, S. 1550.


Schliemann, John und MacDonald, A. H. (2000) Bilayer Quantum Hall Systems at Filling Factor nu=2: An Exact Diagonalization Study. Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, S. 4437-4440.


Schliemann, John und Mertens, F. G. (1999) Vortices in quantum spin systems. The European Physical Journal B 9 (2), S. 237-243. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Schliemann, John und Mertens, Franz G. (1999) On the semiclassical treatment of anharmonic quantum oscillators via coherent states - the Toda chain revisited. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 32 (31), S. 5823-5833. Volltext nicht vorhanden.


Schliemann, John und Mertens, Franz G. (1998) Semiclassical description of Heisenberg models via spin-coherent states. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 10, S. 1091.


Frahm, Holger und Schliemann, John (1997) Variational states for the spin-Peierls system. Phys. Rev. B 56, S. 5359-5365.

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