As with many health care systems of developed countries, the German system is in dire need of reforms in order to be able to ensure the provision of health care in the future. In this paper, we examine the potential feasibility and impact of the theory of disruptive innovation in the context of the German health care system. For this purpose, we conduct a review based on the concept for the ...
As with many health care systems of developed countries, the German system is in dire need of reforms in order to be able to ensure the provision of health care in the future. In this paper, we examine the potential feasibility and impact of the theory of disruptive innovation in the context of the German health care system. For this purpose, we conduct a review based on the concept for the disruption of the American health care system by Christensen et al. (The innovator’s prescription—a disruptive solution for health care. McGraw-Hill, 2009) and then analyze the German context accordingly. Our results indicate that the disruption of the German health care system could present considerable opportunities as well as diverse risks. Furthermore, its implementation would face some significant barriers due to the divergent structure and the prevailing culture and values of key stakeholders in the German system.