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OLEDs as models for bird magnetoception: detecting electron spin resonance in geomagnetic fields

DOI to cite this document:
Grünbaum, Tobias ; Milster, Sebastian ; Kraus, Hermann ; Ratzke, Wolfram ; Kurrmann, Simon ; Zeller, Viola ; Bange, Sebastian ; Boehme, Christoph ; Lupton, John M.
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Date of publication of this fulltext: 10 Jan 2020 12:00


Certain species of living creatures are known to orientate themselves in the geomagnetic field. Given the small magnitude of approximately 48 mu T, the underlying quantum mechanical phenomena are expected to exhibit coherence times in the microsecond regime. In this contribution, we show the sensitivity of organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) to magnetic fields far below Earth's magnetic field, ...


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