This is a companion paper to ( Ammann et al. in A spinorial energy functional: critical points and gradient flow. arXiv: 1207.3529, 2012) where we introduced the spinorial energy functional and studied its main properties in dimensions equal or greater than three. In this article we focus on the surface case. A salient feature here is the scale invariance of the functional which leads to a ...
This is a companion paper to ( Ammann et al. in A spinorial energy functional: critical points and gradient flow. arXiv: 1207.3529, 2012) where we introduced the spinorial energy functional and studied its main properties in dimensions equal or greater than three. In this article we focus on the surface case. A salient feature here is the scale invariance of the functional which leads to a plenitude of critical points. Moreover, via the spinorialWeierstraa representation it relates to the Willmore energy of periodic immersions of surfaces into R-3.