To facilitate the different users' view for security analysis and design of health care information systems, a toolset has been developed using the nowadays popular UML approach. Paradigm and concepts used are based on the general security model and the concepts-services-mechanisms-algorithms-data scheme developed within the EC “ISHTAR” project. Analysing and systematising real health care ...
To facilitate the different users' view for security analysis and design of health care information systems, a toolset has been developed using the nowadays popular UML approach. Paradigm and concepts used are based on the general security model and the concepts-services-mechanisms-algorithms-data scheme developed within the EC “ISHTAR” project. Analysing and systematising real health care scenarios using appropriate UML diagrams, only 7 use case types could be found in both the medical and the security-related view. Therefore, the analysis and design might be simplified by an important degree. The understanding of the approach is facilitated by (incomplete) examples. Based on our generic scheme and with the results described, the security environment needed can be established by sets of such security services and mechanisms.